Monday, July 14, 2008

Visiting Videoland

I took Joe Tynan in to get transfered today.  The most convenient place I found to get it done was a place called Videoland out in Lacey.  I drove out there, ignoring the people giving me odd looks because I had Andrew Lippa's "The Wild Party" blaring out of my speakers, and promptly missed the turn.  It was rush hour traffic and I had to drive another ten blocks before I found a place I could turn around.  

The store itself was in the back of the parking lot for an auto repair shop.  I parked at what I thought was a logical place and ended up walking around the building to find the door.  The inside looked like someone had created it in 1995 and never come back.  Behind the counter there was a shelf of videos on geese management and filmed recollections of different graduations.  The guy who actually worked there was a scrawny guy about forty five.  He informed me that there are multiple types of beta.  Great, I thought to myself, not only is it useless technology, it comes in different colors.  It was kind of like checking a bag, I left him the tape and he gave me an orange collection ticket.  I felt odd walking out without it.  Even though it's fucking useless, I've gotten kind of attached to the thing.  I should be getting a VHS copy in the next few days.

I'm excited to keep going, I've been stuck on Joe Tynan for a while.  The next two films, "Kramer vs. Kramer" and "The French Lieutenant's Woman", are here from netflix and they sit on my coffee table tempting me.  Still working getting cheap copies of "Ironweed" and "The House of the Spirits"

And tonight I went to see "The Flight of the Red Balloon", a remake staring Juliette Binoche, some other gorgeous French women and an extremely adorable seven year old.  I adore Juliette Binoche, but this film can best be summed up by what someone in the row in front of me said, "By now we could be eating grapes."  Grapes or the movie, grapes won out.

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