Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Trials of Joe Tynan

They had "Nim's Island" playing on the airplane on the way home.  It wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being.  The problem was I went in the first time with absolutely no expectations and was pleasantly surprised.  This time I expected so much and it really didn't hold up.  The flying lizards weren't as funny as I remembered.  Jodie Foster getting motion sickness before the taxi started moving remained amusing.

So while we were gone "The Seduction of Joe Tynan" showed up.  It's in excellent condition, unopened, pretty picture on the box.  Except it's not a VHS.  No.  It's a fucking beta.  An ancient form of video recording that predates the VHS.  It went out of style because VHS was easier to duplicate so the porn industry started using it and people didn't want betas.  But in this day and age, the beta is not beta.  The beta sucka.  The one I have isn't even the right type of beta for the projector they have at the theater downtown so I'm paying oodles to have it transferred to a DVD.

Luckily, "Still of the Night", my other ebay purchase, also showed up and it is a VHS.  Thank god.  Ancient technology, but at least ancient technology I can work with.

My room looks like a bomb went off in it.  There is one clear square because I cleaned so I could play cello.  The reason I'm blogging is because I don't want to have to clean off my bed so I can sleep.  Either that or I go sleep on the couch.  My bed kicked me out.  That's just sad.

I bought the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic today and something is seriously wrong with Buffy's face.  She looks all wrong, like Barbie with a coat hanger in her mouth.  Everyone looks a little wonky, they've gotten more angular, like in the space between issues they've all acquired meth addictions.  The rest is brilliant.  I loved Dawn turning into a centaur, and Xander being jealous.

I'm going to go attempt a reconciliation with my bed and clean off the heaps of newspapers on top of my pillow.

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