Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Seduction of Joe Tynan

Wow, so much has happened lately, I don't know where to start.

I went to see the Rocky Horror Show with a friend at midnight last night.  To those that have never seen the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show:


To those that have never seen the live show:


Seriously, man up.  The movie is great, really, and I highly recommend it, if only to see Tim Curry in a corset and fishnets and Susan Sarandon be a total whore.  But the movie is the pansy version of the live show.  And it's just so much more fun.  We went at midnight so the sober people were definitely outnumbered by the wasted.  Part of Rocky Horror's charm is this wonderful thing called Audience Participation.  It involves throwing things, like toast and cards, blowing on noise makers and shouting 'asshole' and 'slut' at select moments.  The wasted were very into last night.  They had a running dialogue going with the narrator who had no problem talking back to them and making fun of them.  

A memorable moment in the show was when Columbia gets high off her ass and leaps at Frank to tell him "this is some really good fucking shit."  She then wanders off into the audience to tell us how a guy sitting in the third row is her grandmother who is actually Jesus.  As soon as she gets the muchies she hops back on stage and tells us all to shush  because her crotch is talking to her.  But it's a little fuzzy because she hasn't waxed in a while.

So yeah, that was fun.

My Seduction of Joe Tynan movie was finished yesterday!  I finished watching it this morning and it's kind of awesome.  I don't know why it's not easier to find, it's not a bad movie.  The picture quality sucked ass, but it was fun.

The plot's kind of boring, there's a senator from New York who's working to oppose a Supreme Court nomination while having an affair with a lawyer helping him and his married life falls apart.  It's kind of predictable.  It'd be a hell of a lot better if we hadn't already seen The West Wing and known that political drama could be so much better written.

Ironically, Alan Alda, who wrote and stars in Joe Tynan, won an Emmy for his work on The West Wing.

What makes Joe Tynan awesome is the random shit that just happens.  Rip Torn plays a republican senator who's most memorable scene, in my opinion, is when his aide enters his office and he tells him he's reading.  The noble aide attempts to keep talking about whatever vital information he's got, but Rip Torn says "Can't you see I'm reading from my pad here?"  The camera pans down to a pair of gloves and a purse on the table.  The aide gets a horrified expression on his face right about when I started giggling.  As the aide leaves we see a pair of feminine feet sticking out from under the desk.

Did the random oral sex from the anonymous bimbo have a point?  Nope, it's just there.

Meryl Streep, who plays the affair, and Alda who plays the senator, have surprisingly good chemistry.  The scene with their first kiss was really.... hot.  I feel weird typing that, but it was.  It was a really good kiss.

The best scene of the movie is right after they have sex for the first time.  They're in bed, drinking cold beer and some sort of unspecified food item.  Alan Alda makes some sort of comment, I don't remember, about how his wife is pretty wonderful.  Meryl Streep, without batting an eye, reaches over, lifts the blanket, and pours a bottle of beer on his crotch.  It's wonderful.

That scene made the whole ordeal to watch this movie worth it.  In the end it came to thirty something dollars to get it off ebay and have it transferred to DVD.

And the end's sort of a let down.  I'm stealing this phrase from Bridget McManus (I love you Bridget), it was like a bad orgasm.  There should be this big climatic scene where he's forced to chose between his wife and family and his career and there's nothing.  A lot of confetti, that's it.  But the beer scene made up for it.  And Meryl Streep in aviators.  She laughs a lot in this movie, I noticed that.  She has a wonderful laugh, she should laugh in movies more often.

Now I'm half way through Kramer vs. Kramer, I should finish tomorrow.  Not much laughing in that one.

The New York Times trashed Mamma Mia yesterday.  I haven't seen it yet so this may be a little premature, but screw you New York Times review.  Mamma Mia can be campy and awesome, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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