Monday, November 17, 2008

Hysteria at a Funeral

I watch a lot of movies on the weekends. This weekend I think I watched more movies than I did homework. In some cultures that's what's known as screwing yourself over, but I call it watching a lot of movies. Some day I'll actually plan ahead and watch Meryl Streep movies. But obviously that hasn't happened yet.

Friday night I saw The Dark Knight. Fuck, that movie is scary. I'm scared of clowns, I don't think it was a good decision to see it. I'm still trying to come up with a logical, not roundabout way to link it to Meryl Streep, this is the best I've got so far. Michael Caine is in The Dark Knight and Little Voice with Ewan McGregor who's in Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman who's in The Hours with Meryl Streep. But it doesn't make any sense in my head that Meryl Streep and Michael Caine haven't done anything together because they're both so brilliant, yet nothing is coming to mind. I might have to look that up later.

I spent most of Saturday in Philly. We went to the protest against Prop 8 in front of City Hall and that was pretty amazing. It's awesome to see so many people out there supporting something that wasn't even on the ballot here. And I think we all need a good protest now and again, good for the soul. We have freedom of speech and right to assemble, good not to forget how to use it. After protesting we went to South Street to buy things for Rocky Horror. Not everyone just has garter belts and fishnets lying around. Although wouldn't that be handy?

Saturday night there was a screening of Death at a Funeral. My role was to put the DVD in the DVD player and push play. I almost couldn't take the excitement. Luckily, I held it together because I spent most of Death at a Funeral laughing hysterically. British humor is so under-appreciated here. All our movies should include blackmail, acid, and everything possible going utterly wrong. I have two ways to link it to Meryl Streep and both of them I'm missing names. And both of them use the movie Love, Actually. So, there's a guy in Death at a Funeral who was on an amazing British sitcom called "All in the Family." I think. He was also in Love, Actually, he played Colin, who goes to Wisconsin to pick up girls. One of the better story lines of the movie. Also in Love, Actually is Colin Firth - wow that sentence was written by Yoda. Anyway, Colin Firth is in Mamma Mia! too. I think I use him too much.

Then we watched Rocky Horror. I love that movie. I'm Brad in our show of it here. Susan Sarandon was in The Banger Sisters with Goldie Hawn who was in Death Becomes Her with Meryl. So Hah. I'm late for history.

Edit: Epic fail. Colin Frissell, the guy from Love, Actually is played by Kris Marshall, who was in the sitcom "My Family," not "All in the Family." Oh well, I was close. But otherwise that works.

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