Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mamma Mia! Party

I realized I never actually did a post on seeing Mamma Mia.  Just several posts on how other people were seeing Mamma Mia.

Well.  Now I've seen the movie three times.  I love it.  I can't wait for the DVD.  That's on November 27, by the way.  I looked it up.  Everyone should buy it.  

So last night was viewing number three and it has not decreased in awesomeness.  In fact, its awesomeness may be exponentially increasing.  I may make a graph of Mamma Mia awesomeness as a function of circumstances.  One such circumstance is viewing it with a lot of happy people who have been fed and given feather boas and shiny sunglasses.

It wasn't crazy as I wanted it to be though.  It would have been way more fun with a bunch of people (possibly intoxicated) singing and dancing like crazy people.  I mean, the movie's grand awesome fun on its own, but singing and dancing would have helped.

Then we watched Finding Nemo on a computer while drinking beverages.  Finding Nemo can be linked to Meryl by Allison Janney who plays Peach in Finding Nemo and Clarissa's lover Sally in The Hours.  If I have to look up my links, I'll admit to that.  But usually I can do it off the top of my head.

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