Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's incredible what procrastination can do to a person.

I live in a dorm that will burn down in 37 second if fire reaches the roof.  For some reason, this doesn't really ever bother us.  There is also reason to believe that Harry Potter lives in our cupboard under the stairs.  But since I'm being Harry Potter for Halloween, I'm apprehensive about this rumor.

Next to Harry Potter's cupboard there's a nook.  Unlike other nooks, I'll be honest, my experience with nooks is rather limited, but ours is very special.  There's a light, two windows and a plaque that someone up up in 1997.  We like to study there and watch movies.  Nearly a month ago (I've been busy) we watched Plenty.

I love this movie.  I wish I could tell you what it's about, but I haven't the faintest idea.  Most of it makes no sense.  Or I just didn't get it.  I love Tracey Ullman in this film, she's a shining light in an otherwise rather bleak premise.

So Meryl's this World War II spy type person and she has sex with this with this other spy type person.  Well, first they have tea, obviously a pick-up line, then they look at the mackerel sky (there are no fish in the sky, however) then they have sex with their clothes on.  This shows they are not French, but British.  

Meryl spends the rest of the film looking for the same dude.  Instead she marries a dud.  And has a lot of sex.  She has sex with Sting on a couch and it would be really sexy if you didn't feel like you were intruding on something.   I totally think she should have hooked up with Tracey Ullman, that would have been an awesome movie.

I really had fun with this one - it's beautifully shot, the costumes are awesome.  Somebody amazing, not Ann Roth, put Tracey Ullman in a man's suit and she's adorable.

Later we watched the first twenty minutes of Out of Africa, but then I had to return it to the library and we haven't checked it out again.  Hopefully we will soon.  I liked the first bit.  Once again the fact that Meryl has a completely different dialect blows my mind.  But I've started seeing bits of Miranda Priestly in some of her parts, that's kind of amusing.

Not much else is new.  My calc midterm is on Friday and I might die.  I bought Angels in America and it's beautiful.  There's a Mamma Mia party in the campus center on Friday, it's going to be amazing.

Everyone should go see Doubt on December 12 because it looks totally hardcore.

Happy Sweater Vest Wednesday

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