Saturday, September 5, 2009


At school, when I'm not reading my Spanish romance novel for my Spanish lit class (the descriptions are fantastic, "el rey del acero"), I'm part of the film series committee. We show movies on campus every weekend. This first six week series of the year is a pretty great lineup, we have some great movies coming up. Star Trek is next weekend and Some Like it Hot is in the near future.

Tonight was the first movie of the year and it was Up. I ended up showing it and no matter how many more screenings I run, none of them will be more hilarious in retrospect.

We use one of the larger lecture halls on campus for most of our screenings. I do not attend a large college, so it is not the biggest lecture hall, but it works fine. I showed up twenty five minutes before so I could remember how to use the equipment. After ten minutes the room was totally packed. I watched from the front of the room as we slowly blocked all exits with sitting people and went above and beyond maximum capacity for the room.

"Guys... can we just make a little aisle? Please?"

In the end, I gave up and played the movie. I hadn't seen Up before. I didn't intend on seeing it, I was going to go do homework, but I couldn't get out of the room because of all the people. I really liked it, the characters were fantastic and it was so creative. I go to a women's college. For those of you who have not experienced watching a movie with a room full of girls should try it, it's hilarious. I mean that in the kindest way possible. By fifteen minutes into the movie, most of the room was sniffling audibly. Then they all started giggling. It's kind of adorable.

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