Monday, August 24, 2009


Moving is such a bitch. Does college count as moving? I never know. I pack up and move most of my shit to other side of the country, then nine months later I do it all over again. It's like migration. I feel like some sort of bird. Did you know the golden plover migrates from Alaska to Hawaii every year? To some, that might appear as overkill.

I don't mind my migration too much, once it's finished. I still have to get everything settled in my dorm room and figure out classes. It all seems like a daunting task. Maybe that's why I like where the mainstream cinema has gone with movies. Everything can go completely to pieces seventy minutes in, but usually everything will work itself out in the end. All the lose ends will be put back together, main characters will make major changes in personality and character and it will all be okay. Sure, it's not realistic, but it's still kind of comforting. Maybe I can be that strong, independent person who gets their shit together, even if takes some montage scenes and cheesy music to get there.

Since I've been here, the girlfriend and I have seen Chicago, Watchmen and last night we finished up Romancing the Stone. All of them were rewatches for me. I really like Romancing the Stone, it's a nice balance between parody and unabashed schmaltz. Still have to get through the last hour of Giant, but I'll get around to it, it's on netflix watch instantly. Sometime between settling in the room and the first class. I want to find out what happens to Liz Taylor.

As an addition to my half assed comments on Julie and Julia, Julie Powell posted a link on her blog to a piece she just wrote to commemorate the death of her cat. It sort of echoes what I was trying to talk about in regards to the sweetening of her character. As she said, she would never call Julia Child adorable. I loved that the Julie in the book wasn't a perfect person who swore a lot and wasn't obnoxious. I went into the book thinking it would be a total chick flick, but you know, Meryl Streep was doing the movie, so I thought I should read it. I was so pleased to find a character that wasn't one of those annoying, prissy, weepy girls from normal chick flicks, instead it was someone I could empathize and relate with. Julie Powell was actually someone I would want to have lunch with. It's just sad that what I thought was one of the best parts of the book didn't make it into the movie.

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